After years of dedicated study and unwavering passion for Renaissance instrument making techniques, Pierre Flavetta has developed an extensive repertoire of knowledge that he is eager to share with the community. Through a variety of engaging platforms such as conferences, masterclasses, and workshops, Pierre invites enthusiasts and craftsmen alike to join him on a journey of discovery.

Delve into the fascinating world of his analysis findings, explore the realms of forgotten crafting techniques, and uncover the secrets that lie hidden within the intricacies of centuries-old instruments. Don't miss the opportunity to expand your understanding and join Pierre Flavetta at the forefront of Renaissance instrument making.



Yellow stains used through the Renaissance: history and recipes

Sunday, September 24, 2023

6:00 PM

Laboratori Mosa, Via Fabbrica del Vetro Vecchia, 9, Cremona


This is the last talk of a 3 part series in honor of Mondo Musica 2023. Here Pierre Flavetta is interested in telling us more about the different yellow stains used in violin making through the Renaissance. Enjoy this expert talk and get inspired by the history and recipes for this sunny shade.

Wood preparation for violin making: history and contemporary processes

Saturday, September 23, 2023

6:00 PM

Laboratori Mosa, Via Fabbrica del Vetro Vecchia, 9, Cremona


In this second talk made in honor of Mondo Musica 2023, Pierre Flavetta will give us the history and intricacies of preparing wood for violin making. He will go over our knowledge of the techniques used in ancient times and an overview of those used nowadays.

Renaissance oil varnishes: history, techniques and recipes

6:00 PM

Friday, September 22, 2023

Laboratori Mosa, Via Fabbrica del Vetro Vecchia, 9, Cremona


In honour of Mondo Musica 2023, Pierre Flavetta invite us to a series of 3 specialized talk. This first one is an overview of Renaissance oil varnishes, learning more about its history and the techniques used for its creation. He will also offer some demonstrations and recipes for you to experiment yourself.

Alizarine dissolution in traditional varnishes

August 13 to 20, 2023



Pierre Flavetta offers a fascinating talk and demonstration about the dissolution specificities of alizarin, the red pigment from Madder roots, at this several day workshop.

Links: Instagram

Oil and spirit varnish, colorant and wood treatment masterclass

May 9 & 10, 2023

Académie Rainier III, 1 Boulevard Albert Ier, Monaco


Pierre Flavetta has been invited to join Roberto Masini and deliver a thorough masterclass to all violin making students of Academy Rainier III in Monaco, offering a special opportunity to deepen their understanding of varnishes and wood treatment.

Renaissance coloration techniques of varnishes

Thursday, March 2, 2023

3 - 4:30 PM GMT

Florian Leonhard 3 Frognal Ln, London


Many analyses have been performed on historical violin maker’s work showing that in many cases no trace of pigments were found in their colored varnishes, even intense ones. This conference will explore the historical techniques that have been used to color those and the chemical principles involved, supported by a new analysis outlook using UV fluorescence. 

Links: Video